Unter http://de.slideshare.net/msincome/adding-audio-to-slideshare steht eine Beschreibung, wie man Audio zu seinen Slides hinzu fügt. Leider funktioniert es nicht immer. Hier ist ein gelungenes Beispiel:
- Jede Folie hat ihren eigenen Audio-Track. Wenn man zur nächsten Folie springt, wechselt auch der Audio-Track.
- 1. Download Audacity is a free Audio recording and editing program for Windows and Mac
- 2. Record your audio: see http://www.msiwebvideo.com/pod/pod.html or http://penxy.com
- 3. Upload to a server: Once you record your audio try and crunch it down to 22050 x about 32kbs which is what this audio is. You can change the recording attributes in Audacity but if you are importing other audios they may be a different rating. You can resample with the free Razor Lame product.
- 4. Upload and Publish: SlideShare accepts both PowerPoint or open office presentations and also PDF files which can also produce great looking presentations.
- 5. Edit and Screencast
- 6. Enter URL of your Audio
- 7. Time your Audio with your slides